Monday, 13 December 2010

Actor list

Bradley Johnson- bully/ victim (right)

Mathew Gower- bully/victim (left) Dom Parr- bully/ victim (right)

Anthony Gibbons- killer

David Norbury- Victim that gets away

Andrew Broughton- Victim

Jennifer Walsh- News reporter

Venue list

Dodds lane (maghull)

We chose to use this location because it was ideal for the part when the killer looks through the window at the victim because of the windows it has. We had to look at the possible houses we could use and decide which was best for the scene.

Deyes high school (maghull)

we chose to film here because it had relevance to what the story is of the killer who went to the school. And we felt this is a location where a news report would be done if it had relevance to the story.

Morissons walk way (maghull)

We chose to use this location because it looks like a deprived area. It is a dirty area shown by the graffiti on the shutters of the shop. it also looks like an area that would be abandoned and nobody would go down there.

Deyes end (maghull)

We used this house to film the scene where one of the actors is talking on the phone. we chose to use this because it is just an average house to give the effect that the charictors are just average people.

Eskdale drive (maghull)

We chose to use this road for the getaway scene in the car because it isnt a busy road to make sure it was safe to do the scene.

Maghull square alley-way

We chose to use this alley-way because on the other side of the door area it is not a nice looking place which we thaught would look good for

Ennerdale avenue alley-way (maghull)

We chose to use this alley-way because it has not good good visibity to see into it and thaught it would be ideal for the scene where the killer gets beat up.


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Story board for film trailer

This is the story board which our group produced for planning what we where going to film in each scene. some of the scenes in the film are different to what is shown on the story board, this is because we felt we could improve bits of the film by making the changes we have.

Music for film trailer 'Insane'

for our film trailer our group chose to use evenesence's song "bring me to life" we chose to use the instrumental version of the song instead of the origional with the words because we felt that it build the tension better and with the words it didnt fit very well with the trailer. There is also a section in it where the music goes off for about 2 seconds which we thaught we could use for emphesis on dialog used in the trailer.

Props list

these are props that we used in creating our film.

Toy Gun- We used this to create the effect of a real gun, we felt the gun we used was realistic for what we needed. We use it in a few different scenes in the film.

champion newspaper- We used a newspaper in the scene where the victim that gets away is sitting at home. We used this to show he is in a his at home relaxing.

house phone- we used the house phone in one of the scenes, we used this to show that he is in his own home and that he talking to someone he knows.

kitchen knife- this is used to create the effect that the victim is scared in his own home because he thinks there is someone there. we used a big sharp knife because this is a typical knife used in horror films.

vaxhall corsa- we used this in the getaway scene, We where able to make sure that the driver we had was safe while driving by making sure all roads leaing to the road that he was driving on.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Analysis of horror film trailer: Jeepers Creepers

I chose to analyse this trailer because it is of a similar genre to the trailer that i am creating. I also decided to analyse this because it is of a similar length to the boundries that i have been set for creating my trailer.

The trailer starts by stating the age guidlines for watching it. It then fades to black and starts showing some of the footage, it begins by introducing the main character and shows what it does and gives an idea into what the film is about. After this is shows the some of the institutions and companies which are assoctiated with the film. It then cuts to the scene where the main charater stops the bus and as this happens creepy style music begins to play to show that something bad it going to happen, the music continuis while the woman is using the phone on the bus but it is lowered so that you can hear the woman talking. A voice over is then used saying "it is going to be dark in about an hour" after this happens it then cuts to what the audience will presume is an hour later when it is dark. The tempo of the music always picks up at a time when the main character enters or is about to enter the scene. It uses title screens to explain parts of the film and uses a voice over saying what the title screen says. then the woman who is pictured in this part is presumed to be doing a voice over giving a breif explination of the film. It then goes into a series of quick cuts showing different scenes within the film, within these scenes is uses lots of close ups to show horror on the faces of the characters. to end the film it has the title of the film "Jeepers Creepers 2" and the voice over of someone saying the title, it also shows a title screen with the date on it the date for this film sayin "coming soon" also at the bottom of this screen it shows the institutions and companies that are assosiated with this film.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

History of film trailers

Trailers for movies first appeared in cinemas in 1913. It was the film "the pleasure seekers" which was made by Nils Granlund.It was in the 1950's when trailers started to become more popular, most of them where made by the national screen service, they where made up of big font, loud music, limited images and voice overs. An example of this type of trailer is this one for cinderella.

Analysis of inception trailer

This trailer for the film inception shows some of the scenes from the film to give the veiwer an idea of what it is about, but they don't give to much away so that the veiwer doesnt know the outcome of the film. it uses a backing track throughout the trailer to make it more intense. The trailer has a voice over at the start from the main charictor (Leonardo Dicaprio) which rund untill about half way through. There is then some dialog from the film as it progresses but doesn't reveal much about the film. It shows that the film is directed by the same people that directed the dark night film which was a big success and indicates that this film could be just as good. They use writing aswel which gives an idea of what the film is about but at the same time doesnt explain what is going to happen.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Intertextuality within Warner bros

Above are some examples of when warner bros have used intertextuality in their movie posters. the first poster in this post is from the matrix which was released in 1999 and the one next to the inception poster is from the 2008 film the dark night. the matrix poster and the inception poster have a strong resemblence in the way that there is a beam of light in the centre going onto the main characters also it has building either side of the characters which also links with the dark night poster which also has building on each side. The dark night and inception posters have a strong resemlence in that both have a main character in the centre with their back turned away from the camera, also both the main characters are holding something in their hand which is a symbol of the film. My last point on the intertextuality of the posters is that they both have a blue colour to the bacground of the poster.

Analysis of inception marketing campaign

These are some of the inception marketing posters. they all seem to have the same sort of theme with a blue colouring of the background. also all of these posters have got the title of the film 'nception' inbold red writing at the bottom which stands out against the blue colouring of the background. leonardo di caprio is the main character all of the posters this is because he plays the main character in the film. In two of the three posters there are some other charicters who fit in with the mise en scene because they are all wearing smart business style clothes. Also all three are set in stange places with strange layouts to where things are such as buildings in odd places and the one in the middle di caprio is standing in water in the middle of a street which gives an idea that this will not be a straight forward film.

Monday, 4 October 2010

both of these magazine covers have used building as the main themeof the magazine cover. The total film magazine have also used the theme of buildings for the title of the magazine. Both of these magazines have used a large image of leonardo di caprio because he is the main charictor of the film. the pi ture on empire magazine is easier to see di caprio because is is brighter and he seems to have more power. On the total film magazine the picture is darker and he seems to be in some shadows.

Monday, 20 September 2010

I have recently received the breif for my A2 coursework. I have to produce a film trailer suitable for a particular audience to be released in winter 2010.

I am to produce either a 1 minuit 20 second trailer
produce 2 60 second trailers

Plus i have to produce a film magazine cover and produce a film poster.